19″Rack Mount 48V DC Mewnbwn 220V AC Allbwn 5KVA Ar-lein UPS- System Bwer Di-dor
Gweld mwy o luniau

UPS- System Bwer Di-dor, Mae'n ddyfais storio ynni mewn system bŵer, when the AC power supply is normal, trough UPS

  • BWT-2500-5KSO

Manylion Cynnyrch
Ymholiad Nawr

19"Rack Mount 48V DC Mewnbwn 220V AC Allbwn 5KVA Ar-lein UPS- System Bwer Di-dor

UPS- System Bwer Di-dor, Mae'n ddyfais storio ynni mewn system bŵer, when the AC power supply is normal, trough UPS, the power form generating plant can be stable for load. When the AC power supply cut down, UPS can provide power to load by inverting the power supply of the battery within 4-10 second or “zero” interruption time. Then ensure the load like network room, hospital, financial trading center, refrigerator maintain normal operation.

Function And Feature

  • Gwir allbwn tonnau sin (Mae T.H.D < 3%);
  • Configurable input voltage range for home appliances and personal computers via LCD setting
  • Configurable battery charging current based on applications via LCD setting
  • Auto restart while AC is recovering
  • RS232 a RS485, SNMP Porth cyfathrebu dewisol;
  • Smart battery charger design for optimized battery performance
  • Cold start function
  • Zero-transfer Time



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yn barod 1902 negeseuon

  • christin 10:12 YN, Heddiw
    Falch o dderbyn eich neges, a dyma atteb Cristin i chwi