Power stations Rack Pure sine wave inverter 220vDc to AC120v Inverter
What is Rack mount Telecom inverter?
Telecom pure sine wave inverter is a new generation of dual nput inverter solution designed for the field of communicationapplications, sy'n addas ar gyfer dibynadwyedd uchel y system gyfathrebu. The solution is equipped with the 90~132V & 180 ~260V AC power supply and a 24V/48V/110V/220V DC power supply,
sy'n llenwi'r bwlch rhwng y cyflenwad pŵer UPS traddodiadol ac atebion gwrthdröydd tonnau sin pur cyffredin.
Nodwedd Cynnyrch:
High Frequency And Pure Sine Wave
Standard 19" Rack mount case
5 Llwybrau Cyswllt sych ar gyfer y system
Rhyngwyneb Cyfathrebu :RS232 a RS485 & Porthladd cyfathrebu SNMP dewisol
Monitro statws gweithredu'r system mewn amser real;
Larwm clywadwy a gweledol;
Cofnodwch y neges larwm hanesyddol a gellir ei holi;
Automatic start temperature control fan;
Amddiffyniad :Amddiffyniad llwyth byr, dros amddiffyn llwyth, batri dros / o dan amddiffyniad foltedd, dros gyfredol, dros dymheredd